Building a spotify controlling device

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A year ago I watched this video and I thought it would be an interesting experience to build a similar device. I basically never did anything related to embedded systems before, so I had a lot to learn.
I spent last week on vacation with my family, and together with my cousin Alex, I finally got to build the device.
With the advice I got, I ended up using a bunch of different components than the ones shown in the video, which resulted in having to change up a bit more of the code, and helped me understand how to wire stuff up and all that: instead of the esp8266, I used an esp32. Other than that, I used a breadboard instead of a perfboard, and I didn’t use a display at all.
Here’s some pictures and videos of how it turned out:

Media 1

Buttons, a potentiometer, an esp32, wires and a breadboard.

Demo video of the device working

Media 3

Device fully assembled


I really really really liked this project. Ever since coming back home from vacation, I've found myself looking for hardware components that I can somehow incorporate in a specific project. My youtube recommendations are full of arduino projects and stuff like that. Turns out, eletronics, microcontrollers and all that stuff, are actually really cool.